Be a Part of Our Musically Talented Choirs!
Adult Choir
This choir sings the 2nd and 5th Sundays of each month, plus all major liturgical celebrations. The Adult Choir welcomes all adult members of SJB parish.
Children's Choir
The Children's Choir sings the 3rd Sunday of each month during the school year, plus Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve. This choir is open to children in grades two through eight from both our parish school and PSR program.
Knights of Columbus Choir
Knights of Columbus Choir is composed of (but not limited to) members of the Knights of Columbus and their family. They lead music on the first Sunday of each month.
Contemporary Choir
Our Contemporary Choir leads the congregation in song with contemporary music the 4th Sunday of every month. This choir seeks talented singers and instrumentalists.
Funeral Choir
This choir sings for our parish funerals. Everyone is welcome to participate.